Leopard is a boatbuilder located in South Africa and produces some of the best and most luxurious catamarans. You will find Fountain Pajor catamarans for sale also under the name “Robertson & Caine” because some Leopard cats are built by Robertson & Caine company. Leopards are mainly designed to be luxurious, big, and comfortable, but that usually comes at a cost, both in price tag and sailing speed and maneuverability.
Leopard Catamarans was established in 2000 their partnership with South African builder Robertson and Caine. This company was manufacturing custom-designed catamarans for the global yacht charter company The Moorings. While Leopard was focusing on sailing catamarans in the beginning, in 2007, they started making powercats as well.
Leopard is always designing their boats to have the optimal balance between interior space and performance, sheltered helm cockpit designed for offshore cruising and single-handed sailing, large lounge areas, optimal comfort, and ease of maintenance.
Nowadays, Leopard is making sailing catamarans between 42 and 58 feet and powercats between 50 and 53 feet. You can find a Leopard on the used market starting at $180,000 (like a Leopard 38) in good condition and as high as $2 million USD for their top of the line fully spec’d Leopard 58; however, they are not as luxurious as some of the other brand’s top-of-the-line models.
Leopard Catamarans
>>Also Read: 10 Best Catamarans Under 200k
Стоимость аренды
Стоимость аренды часто становится первым критерием при выборе плавательного судна. Обязательно учитываются комфортабельность яхты, ее вместимость и скорость передвижения.
Bali Dancer
Яхта Bali Dancer
Аренда этой комфортной яхты, вместимостью до 8 человек, вполне доступна отдыхающим на Бали. За восьмичасовое морское путешествие нужно заплатить около 2200 долларов. В стоимость уже включены услуги гида, который будет сопровождать путешественников до острова Лембонган. Но это еще не все. В цену уже заложена стоимость еды, напитков, в том числе алкогольных, рыбалки, троллинга, снорклинг, специальное снаряжение, барбекю-ланч. Яхта идеальна для небольшой группы отдыхающих. В комплектацию спальни, комнаты для гостей и кухни, входит GPS, телевизор, мощная аудиосистема.
Вопрос эксперту
Требуются ли дополнительные документы для аренды яхты на Бали?
Нет, если только турист не собирается управлять судном самостоятельно.
Sweet Stanley 250 HP
На палубе и внутри этой яхты могут свободно разместиться 8 человек, заплатив за морскую прогулку от 550 и более долларов. Для сплоченной компании путешественников сумма вполне посильная. Опытный водитель быстро доставит в самые таинственные уголки побережья, а гид расскажет о связанных с ними удивительных и интересных фактах. В стоимость входит питание, все необходимое снаряжение для рыбалки, снорклинг, а также доставка на остров Нуса Пенид. Чтобы разнообразить отдых, можно отобедать не только на яхте, но и в спортивном морском центре.
Aneecha Catamaran
Aneecha Catamaran
Аренда подобной яхты стоит дороже — за сутки передвижения по Индийскому океану нужно заплатить около 3000 долларов. Судно способно вместить компанию из 12 человек. Его комплектация мало отличается от оснащения Sweet Stanley 250 HP и Bali Dancer. Но у Aneecha Catamaran более мощный двигатель, что существенно влияет на скорость передвижения по океанической глади. Судно очень комфортабельно даже для прогулок на большие расстояния. На нем работает высококлассный шеф-повар, который приготовит блюда по индивидуальным заказам. В стоимость аренды включены напитки, оборудование для подводного плавания, рыбалки, услуги гида.
Sea Safari 7-Phinisi
Яхта Sea Safari 7-Phinisi
Это, несомненно, роскошное судно, на котором с комфортом может отдохнуть большая компания. Оно особенно востребована для проведения торжеств, праздничных мероприятий, ведь на его борту с легкостью размещаются 28 пассажиров. Общую стоимость аренды мощного и быстрого судна легко рассчитать — цена за сутки путешествия одного человека составит 320 долларов.
Заплатив единожды, можно свободно пользоваться снаряжением для дайвинга, океанической рыбалки, снорклинга. На яхте подаются бесплатные напитки и блюда, экскурсии проводит квалифицированный гид. Она оснащена 14 гостевыми каютами, 4 из которых категории «люкс». На судне установлены сплит-системы, телевизоры, есть спутниковый телефон. Еда подается и на палубе, и в собственном роскошном ресторане.
Advantages of sailing with catamarans
Catamarans are very safe, comfortable and ideal for longer trips.
The catamaran offers large living space and a lot of privacy for everybody onboard, which makes the time spent on the catamaran very relaxing.
As already mentioned, thanks to their two engines and two rudders catamarans are easy to maneuver in the harbors and bays.
They are very stable in a bay. With a little bit of wave action, you can see the masts of the keel sailboats going back and forth. A catamaran remains stable.
They also do not tilt while sailing, making it very comfortable to stay, cook, read, sleep, etc.
Enjoying comfortable sailing without heeling, with a lot of privacy is only attainable while sailing with catamarans. Living and sleeping spaces are well separated, from the cockpit and saloon you have an excellent panoramic view. For mentioned reasons catamarans are also the best choice when you want to yacht charter with skipper while still having maximum privacy. On the other hand, if you are interested in crewed yacht charter, we are sorry to inform you, that we offer this option only for specific motor yachts at the moment.
In bad weather, you can still sit inside the salon, above the water, with lots of light and a 360-degree view all around. On top of that, you can also steer from the inside in bad weather.
Due to the width of the catamaran, you can have a large dinghy with a powerful engine, which can be hoisted in a very simple way.
Saloon layout on a catamaran, which is placed above the water, is hard to beat when staying on the anchor in a calm bay.
Due to its limited / short draft, you can anchor a catamarans in almost any bay since their low drafts make it possible to get closer to shore than with a monohull.
If you have not read yet check out also our article about most common sailing knots (with pictures).
More advantages and benefits of sailing with a catamaran:
- Since no heeling sailing a catamaran comes with less seasickness
- The higher helm station on a flybridge,
- More storage space,
- Bridge deck clearance…
Как правильно арендовать жилье?
Снять жилье на острове можно двумя способами. Первый – с помощью Интернета, второй – на месте.
Аренда через Интернет
Один из самых удобных и распространенных вариантов. Вы заранее смотрите информацию в сети, ищите предложения, читаете отзывы. Большинство туристов предпочитает пользоваться сайтом Airbnb. Здесь много предложений по аренде. Потом вы списываетесь с собственником, уточняете все детали и договариваетесь. При необходимости вносите аванс. Как правило, оплата списывается с банковской карты, которую вы регистрируете на сайте.
Преимущества такого способа:
- Денежные средства будут заморожены на сайте и собственник их не получит до тех пор, пока вы не заселитесь и не пройдет 24 часа;
- Вы можете написать в техподдержку сайта, если информация не соответствует действительности;
- Можно оставить отзыв на сайте, это будет стимулировать хозяев предоставлять услуги соответствующего качества. Негативные отзывы не пойдут на пользу арендодателям.
- Если вы решили поехать в праздничные даты, то лучше заранее забронировать комнату.
План действий как снять жилье на Бали самостоятельно и не дорого
Мы рекомендуем поступить следующим образом:
- Для начало еще в своем родном городе, ищете недорогой отель на Booking.com, выбираете район там где вы хотели бы задержаться на долго и бронируете номер в отеле на пару дней;
- По прибытию на Бали, ищете тематические группы на FaceBook, а так же каналы в телеграмм, просто в поиске введите аренда жилья на Бали (выбирайте тот где много подписчиков);
- Выбираете подходящий вариант договариваетесь с собственником или арендодателем, о цене и о времени когда можно посмотреть жилье. (Иногда можно попасть на мошенников поэтому старайтесь не давать предоплата);
- Заселяетесь.
Аренда жилья на месте по прибытии
Некоторые предпочитают в живую посмотреть и сравнить несколько вариантов, а потом уже определитсья. Перед приездом вы заранее бронируете обычную комнату на пару дней, и сразу на Бали арендуете байк, и ездите по острову в поисках подходящего места.
- Можно на месте посмотреть и оценить ситуацию;
- Есть возможность торга.
- Самые хорошие варианты могут быть уже забронированы на несколько недель вперед;
- Можно встретить мошенников;
- В конце аренды вам могут выставить дополнительный счет;
- У вас не будет защиты со стороны посредников в виде сервиса, решать проблемы с хозяином придется самостоятельно.
Как искать жилье на Бали?
- Выбираем район, где вы хотите жить. Изучите карту острова и отзывы о районах. Бали действительно очень большой и очень популярный остров! Даже на ютубе вы найдете массу роликов, которые вам наглядно покажут особенности каждого района. Поездить по всем окрестностям самому за неделю вряд ли удастся, надо сосредоточить поиски на конкретных локациях. Совет: здесь популярны застройки целых комплексов или поселков. В сети можно найти названия таких поселков и поехать целенаправленно туда, покататься по поселку в поисках табличек об аренде. Примеры таких поселков: Permata Ariza, Puri Gading, Arjuna, Taman Griya и Taman Mumbul, Greenlot.
- Вступаем во все соц сети, особенно в специализированные группы по поиску жилья на фейсбуке (просто ищем по русским и английским словам «аренда дома на Бали» «жилье на Бали» и аналогичным запросам). Не забываем про русские сообщества, например, в чаты русских на Бали в Телеграм или Вотсапе. Просматриваем объявления за последний месяц, списываемся, уточняем актуальность предложений. Сами публикуем посты о поиске жилья (указываем срок, бюджет, район и прочие пожелания).
- Мониторим airbnb.com — крупнейший портал в мире по поиску жилья в частном секторе, здесь есть и квартиры, и дома, и комнаты, и роскошные виллы. Вы спросите зачем, ведь я сама пишу, что через интернет на долгий срок лучше не арендовать. Всё верно. Но мы можем использовать этот ресурс для поиска информации:
- мы бронируем жилье на первую неделю через airbnb
- анализируем цены: выясняем примерную стоимость жилья, того уровня, что нам нравится по фото, смело вычитаем 20-30% и понимаем, сколько стоит арендовать этот объект на месте.
- часто в объявлении на сайте указано название виллы, по которому можно найти его в гугл картах. Я лично проверяла по 7 вариантам, что мне понравились на эирбнб, из них 4 нашла в гугле. Значит, можно смело ехать по адресу и сбивать цену при личном общении с хозяином.
4. Едем в районпоселок на байке или авто. Кружим в поисках табличек «for rent» или «disewakan» (на индонезийском «сдается в аренду») или «dikontrakan» (переводится как «контракт»). Местные жители в большинстве своем очень приветливы и разговорчивы. Увидели поливающих цветочки или сидящих на лавочках тетушек, остановитесь, спросите, кто сдает дома. Это же деревня, все про всех всё знают. Индонезийцы обычно знают английский, но если нет, всегда можно использовать гугл переводчик и улыбку
Catamaran safety
Because a catamaran has two independent hulls, the chance of sinking completely is very small. If there is damage or a leak to one hull, the other hull will float.
A catamaran can not lose a keel either and will not capsize easily. But if it capsizes, it will not get right. A capsized catamaran will also float.
Additional benefit of catamarans is that many important navigation systems relevant for onboard safety are duplicated.
With a broken engine, a rope or a net in the propeller, you can still sail and steer with the second engine. If one rudder is defective, you can steer with the other rudder and you can still steer with the engines.
Because a catamaran does not tilt while sailing, there is also much less risk of falling. The gangways are very wide, without obstacles, making it very safe to walk around the boat.
Бали Запад: Kuta, Seminyak
Кута и Семиньяк — это лишь различные административные деления. В реальности эти деревни находятся близко и по атмосфере очень похожи. Кута считается туристическим центром Бали, со всеми атрибутами большого населенного пункта. Общественное мнение по поводу жизни в Куте неоднозначно. Кто-то восхваляет этот район, а кто-то люто не любит. Представьте себе, что Кута — это как бы туристическая витрина Бали. И конечно же в районе Кута и Семеньяк есть огромное количество разнообразного жилья в аренду.
Плюсы аренды жилья в Куте: Заведения, кинотеатры, шоппинг, развлечения, клубы, пляжи и красивые закаты. Все это рядом и иногда в пешей доступности. Интересные культурные мероприятия, много событий и активная ночная жизнь. Кута находится как бы в центра острова. Будет удобно ездить в другие туристические районы. Кута считается лучшим местом, чтобы встать на серф. Здесь очень много школ, а волны будут идеальными для начинающих. Наши друзья подготовили отличный материал по серфингу на Бали, который доступен здесь. Сравнение всех школ серфинга здесь.
Из минусов: Постоянная движуха и трафик. Возможны пробки на дорогах (особенно на участке от Jalan Seminyak до Jalan Raya Kuta). Может быть многолюдно. На улицах возможна преступность в виде карманников, наркоторговцев и прочих криминальных личностей мелкого пошиба.
Цены на аренду жилья: Высокие, хотя, если у вас есть опыт, в Куте можно найти недорогую виллу в аренду.
Большинство долгожителей острова предпочитают снимать жилье в других районах Бали, считая Куту и Семиньяк слишком туристическими. Кута — это место куда люди приезжают на отдых или на каникулы. Давайте детально посмотрим какие предложения по аренде жилья на Бали есть в Куте. Карта кликабельна.
Additional tips for sailing catamarans
Catamarans have large hull areas and very low draft, that is the reason why while exposed to wind a sailing catamaran can drift off easily.
Same thing while anchoring, if you have wind blowing from the side, anchoring maneuver should be performed as swiftly as possible.
While maneuvering in narrow spaces, the best is to use the power of the engines only, rather than the steering wheel. When maneuvering it’s best to work only with the throttle control, while doing that you need to turn (and keep) the steering wheel to the center (twelve o’clock).
When making the boat a turn you need to approach fast, letting the jib luff (head to wind) so the wind can push the bow around.
Maneuvering while sailing on a monohull (with deep keel) is more challenging. In strong winds the boat will heel, which will make most tasks more difficult to manage.
Catamaran anchoring secrets:
- Before you start anchoring, make sure that your boat has completely stopped. Catamarans need much more time to slow down than a monohull because a catamaran has shorter keel and less resistance to the water than a monohull.
- Always keep the boat straight into the wind by using the engines, never let the boat go sideways.
- When you feel you have set the anchor, back the boat straight with both engines.
- Keep the boat into the wind as you’re setting the snubber with the bridle that all catamarans are equipped with.
- If you are using a mooring ball, you need to set a bridle. Never clear the ball line only on one hull.
Tips to maximize your performance while sailing a catamaran
When you charter a catamaran, don’t always expect high multihull`s speed. Catamarans are underpowered compared to high-performance sailing boats. But you will still get a satisfying performance out of even the most basic catamaran when applying some simple sail-trim techniques.
Some of these are unique to catamarans while others are similar to the ones used with monohulls.
Catamarans can`t sail upwind as well as monohulls, if the sea is choppy while you are sailing on a smaller catamaran, like a 38ft. the yawing will be difficult. This is why most of the catamarans simply motoring upwind. For upwind sailing you need to bear off a couple of degrees to alleviate the movement.
Catamarans are all about going off the wind. The efficient point of sail is between 120% and 150%. In this way you should sail at about 50% of the true wind speed. Needless to say, on these occasions, you will be faster than many monohulls!
Jibing is the same as for monohull… but tacking is different and can be frustrating.
How to efficiently tack on a catamaran:
- Get enough boat speed before tacking, without it, you will simply not be able not tack.
- Bring the main sail in close – tack the boat smoothly through the wind but decisively, without losing too much speed.
- In order to help the bows to turn better through the wind, you can let the jib get backwinded before releasing it to the other tack.
- When you get the bows on the other side of the wind, bear off a little more than necessary, until you get your full original speed back.
- Get back on course, once you get your original speed back.
Sailing a catamaran in heavy weather
Catamarans are exceptionally safe offshore; the modern catamaran has plenty of buoyancy and exceptional roll inertia. That is why catamarans are almost impossible to capsize.
Cruising catamarans can be split into two categories:
- Charter / cruising catamarans: Built for the charter market, featured with shallow-draft and integrated fixed keels, small rudders, high flybridges, masts located forward onboard, short “cut” bows and heavier displacements. Even in ideal flat-water conditions, these boats will struggle with windward sailing, they usually sail close-hauled at 55-60 degree true wind angles (TWA).
- High-performance cruising catamarans: have efficient daggerboards or centerboards, deeper rudders and less displacement. Without problems sail windward at a 45-50 degree TWA in all conditions. To remain safe in all sailing conditions special attention has to be given to sail selection. For safe sailing you should focus on higher speeds, lower loads and balance.
What Size Catamaran Do You Need?
The most common advice we found was to buy the smallest sailing cat we could comfortably live aboard. Here are a few tips for deciding on your catamaran’s length.
- The smaller the boat, the less boat to maneuver, dock and maintain. As new boat owners, this didn’t go unnoticed. We would pay for any gluttonous purchase later with more sweat, tears, and cash.
- The layout of the saloon and galley can play a part in how big a boat feels. Getting inside different catamarans, whether at a boat show or by other means, will give you more knowledge of the layout you prefer.
- Sailing on a catamaran generally becomes more comfortable as the boat gets larger. If you are planning to do a lot of offshore sailing, things like bridge deck clearance, beam-to-length ratio, and other performance indicators will become drastically more of a priority when purchasing your boat.
- Another significant factor at play for us was the ceiling height on the boat. At 6’3, Ross could step on a boat and know almost immediately if it was a contender. (Ceiling height can vary in different models and isn’t always correlated with the length or size of the boat.)
Ross still has to watch his head, but he’s getting better at subconsciously ducking.
WHAT WORKED FOR US: As a two human, one feline family, that was planning to do mostly coastal cruising, the ideal catamaran length for us turned out to be in the 37-39 foot range for most production cat lines.
What is a sailing catamaran?
A catamaran is a sailing vessel with two parallel hulls of the same size, as opposed to a monohull, which only has one. The two hulls are joined by a platform. This design offers great stability on the water, thanks to the wide beam, and reduced hydrodynamic resistance, which makes them faster.
There are the best sailing catamarans of all sizes – from small vessels with simple bunk beds and a small galley to big luxurious ones with an owner’s suite and guest cabins.
This means you can buy catamarans from as little as $10,000, up to $1M. Our tiny and simple 26ft Heavenly Twins called Kittiwake cost us $12,000 and we refitted her for $9,000 over two years.
Not sure if you want a catamaran or not? Check this out: Catamaran vs Monohull: What’s the Best Choice?
What’s it like to cruise on a catamaran sailboat?
Me on board my cruising catamaran. Photo: www.sailingkittiwake.com
Sail cruising on a catamaran is a lot of fun and, of course, very comfortable. The aft deck is well-shaded and protected from the wind, as well as spacious. The foredeck offers a great and fresh chilling out area – just set up a shade, chuck a few cushions around and enjoy the breeze.
In swelly anchorages, you will feel grateful to be on a cat when the monos start rolling. With the boat being flat on the water, you can cook and shower without much hassle even underway.
My absolute favorite thing about cruising on a catamaran? Watching the dolphins play with the bows through the trampolines (in our case the wooden grate). You can get up close to them; it’s amazing.
How To Pick a Small Catamaran
Small catamarans are great if you’re on a budget. They’re also ideal if you want a modest space without too much going on inside. However, every small-size catamaran varies in features and design. So, if you’re looking for one, there are a few essential factors you have to bear in mind.
When choosing a catamaran, your decision depends on what level of performance you need from the boat. Your choice will often come from what you’re going to use the boat for.
However, the performance of a catamaran is a critical factor for safety as well. For example, the sail plan significantly affects the catamaran’s stability offshore.
Some performance features you have to keep in mind when choosing a catamaran include:
- Average Speed upwind and downwind
- How much weight can be loaded before performance is impacted
- Sail plan
Interior Layout
Despite their size, small catamarans come with a variety of living spaces. In between the hulls, you’ll find different types of amenities, including a kitchen, lounge, and dining area.
Every catamaran comes with a unique arrangement for its cabins. Usually, you’ll also have cabins in the two hulls and sometimes a master cabin on the deck. The deck may also have a sitting space with trampoline areas to relax.
The cabins on a catamaran are sometimes referred to as berths. Manufacturers modify one or two berths to make a bathroom with a toilet and showerhead or “head.”
Exterior Design
The interior features are essential because they determine not only your living condition while onboard but also how easily the boat can be sailed, are all lines drawn to the cockpit?
Now that we know how to choose sailing catamarans, let’s look at the smallest liveaboard catamarans on the market today, starting with the most compact one.
Owners’ Version Catamaran
Whether you choose a charter version or an owners’ version catamaran will have a big impact on the boat’s layout and price.
What is an owners’ version catamaran? This desirable catamaran layout has three cabins instead of four cabins (referred to as a charter version). Meaning, there is a spacious bathroom (head) in the place of the fourth cabin in the owners’ hull.
These puppies are a little scarce and come at a premium, but it’s one a lot of folks are willing to pay, including us.
In one hull, the forward cabin is replaced by an expanded bathroom. This allows for a more open layout and storage space. On catamarans under 40 feet, the 2-cabin, 1-bath hulls can be especially tight.
WHAT WORKED FOR US: This was our most inflexible condition. If we were going to live in this tiny floating home, we wanted to better maximize the hull’s limited space. A larger bathroom, a more open layout in the hull, and more storage space would let us do that.
Also, I can’t imagine the fiasco of Ross trying to shower in a wet bath where you shower with the toilet. I would most likely end up living with a very smelly guy! Lucky for my nose, with a little patience and persistence, we were able to find our three-cabin home.
Choosing a Catamaran Manufacturer
One of the big questions I find future cruisers have is what is the best cruising catamaran. There are a ton of opinions out there about what catamaran to purchase. Remember, the answer will depend on your cruising style and budget.
How much offshore cruising do you want to do? Will you be sailing single-handed? Balancing your needs and your budget will be a big piece of the process.
Production Sailing Catamarans
A lot of people ask if we were looking for a Lagoon catamaran when we were shopping. The truth is, we didn’t know what we wanted, so we looked at as many boats as we could. We found purchasing a highly produced boat was going to make our lives easier as new sailors.
Sailboats are not cars. They are made on-demand. For a lot of models, there might be 100 (or fewer) boats made. However, catamaran manufacturers such as Lagoon, Leopard, and Fountaine Pajot, may design and produce quite a few more.
Our Lagoon 380 is hull number 322, which was a lot when it was built in 2005. I saw in a Facebook group recently the tally is creeping up on 900.
Whoa, that’s a lot of boats. Or, as I like to call them, my newfound friends we can inquire on how to fix this or how to get to that. From forums and Facebook groups to people we meet, there’s someone that’s already done what we are trying to do on our model boat.
WHAT WORKED FOR US: For us rookies, access to more information and the comfort to know a certain model production boat had been tested could save us oodles of time and money. Ultimately, the Lagoon 380 layout and availablity of a boat that ticked all our other boxes made this the right choice for us.
What is a catamaran?
A catamaran or often referred to as ‘cat’ is a multi-hulled vessel, which means that it combines two or more hulls, also known as pontoons. Its characteristics can be compared to the ones of sailing yachts which are monohulls. Its two-hull design offers a higher degree of stability in comparison to a monohull sailing yacht. Furthermore, a cat, like a sailing yacht, is propelled by wind power but can travel a lot faster due to its needle-like shaped monohulls or multihulls.
Other than by sails, both can be powered by an engine and recently, more and more yachts have exchanged their sails for motors which is another great advantage. It thus represents an innovation in modern sailing and makes the sailing experience more comfortable and pleasurable than ever before.
Lagoon – Groupe Beneteau
Lagoon is a French boatbuilder with an excellent reputation and sells the largest number of catamarans per year. The brand started back in 1984 and was one of the first catamaran brands to really convince people of the concept of multihulls. The philosophy of the Lagoon brand is good design, high-quality construction, and a decent cruising performance under sail. In other words, a Lagoon is the dream of every fan of sailing that looks for a catamaran that can provide everything, whether that is a fun toy for summer sailing trips or a year-round liveaboard yacht. What Lagoon did right, and the reason it has proven to be so popular is that it listened to its customers. That is why every new Lagoon catamaran has more space, more efficient layouts, and is always more comfortable than their previous version. There is no wonder why they have so many repeat customers.
Lagoon makes 9 sailing catamaran models and 2 powercat models, ranging in length from 40 to 78 feet. It also used to make shorted boats like the Lagoon 380 at 37 feet, but unfortunately, it was discontinued. You can find a Lagoon on the used market starting at $150,000 (like a 2002-2007 Lagoon 380) and as high as $5 million USD for their top of the line fully spec’d Lagoon Seventy 7, which comes with a jacuzzi on deck.
Lagoon Catamaran
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The brand was founded in 1985 in France. Privilège Catamarans offer unparalleled expertise, know-how, and experience that facilitates the construction of some of the best catamarans on the market today. They can provide luxurious liveaboard life beyond coastal borders. Its elegant hull design ensures superb stability and comfort making then one of the best catamaran brands in the world right now. Every catamaran is custom-built according to the owner’s preferences and handcrafted with great craftsmanship and the finest materials.
The company specializes in the design and manufacture of some of the best, and luxurious bluewater catamarans on the water. Every new Privilege cat is built after multiple consultations between the shipyard and the owner. You can decide to either keep the catamaran in its pure and elegant look and also keep the cost as low as possible or to change it to your personal preferences and make it as high-end as you can afford.
Privilège makes both sailing catamarans and powercats, ranging in length from 51 to 75 feet. It also used to make shorted boats like the Privilege 435 at 43 feet, but unfortunately, they are now focusing on larger yachts. You can find a Privilege from the early 2000s’ on the used market starting at $300,000 (like the Privilege 435) but can easily surpass $5 million USD for their top of the line fully spec’d Privilege 745 or 740.
Privilège Catamaran
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